732-873-2400 ext. 407
Language Arts Literacy (LAL)

The English/Language Arts program is dedicated to preparing our students to be literate contributing members of a global 21st Century society. We strive to ensure that every student meets or exceeds the New Jersey Student Learning Standards for language arts in reading, writing, speaking, listening, and viewing/media literacy.
Our curriculum exposes students to a variety of themes, genre, and writing modes and an emphasis is placed on wide reading and writing for a variety of purposes and audiences while reinforcing language skills with strategy work.
In addition, beginning in high school, we offer language arts electives such as creative writing, journalism, mass media, and many others, so that students can explore real-world applications and careers that focus in the English/Language Arts.

Kanika Chopra,
Supervisor of LAL,
Grades 6-12

Giselle Perez,
LAL Supervisor
732-873-2400 ext. 274